Mobile phone – The multi tasking device!!

Before, mobile phone was only used when someone wants to call and contact people. This is because people haven’t realised the fully functions of the mobile phone. As time goes on, people begin to work more and more innovative on the mobile phone. As you’ve seen the mobile phone nowadays, all the latest features would be the achievement of those great effort people. 

Now, mobile phone can be defined as one of the multi tasking device that overtake the Personal Computer (PC) and even other electronic devices like MP3 and MP4 player, laptop, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and so on. Most of the functions of those devices are applied into mobile phone now. Smartphone is one example of combination between mobile phone and PDA functions. The iPhone from Apple is another example of combination from mobile phone, camera, music player, and PDA functions. Thus, mobile phone may have a strong impact in our life.

  iPhone        Smartphone

So, as we say that mobile phone now can access to the internet, Bluetooth network and wireless network for doing business besides the calling system. Furthermore, it also allows you to relax and have some entertainments while you are free. These functions and features such as Short Message Service (SMS) for messaging, multimedia player for music broadcasting, Java system for mobile game, camera for taking photo, Bluetooth for transferring files, Memory card for saving, 3G for wireless communication service (including enhanced multimedia such as video, voice, data and remote control) and so on.

Conclusion, mobile phone can do what other electronic devices are done. People tend to enjoy the convenience provided by mobile phone instead of purchasing other type of electronic devices. Some of the low income people may not afford to purchase PC or other devices, but they are able to buy a mobile phone. As a result, mobile phone is considered as a trend that everyone pursues.

~ by styletornado on July 20, 2007.

7 Responses to “Mobile phone – The multi tasking device!!”

  1. actually all the topics are cool and this also have to tell honestly that news on this topic can give nice advices for the ppl who looking for this kind of HP’s ..

  2. The multi tasking devices .. nice topic and i was amazed and enjoyed from the reading.. needful information ..

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  5. Been following up with your blog and i find it pretty informative which covers many aspects of a mobile phone..I quite agree with you that mobile phone nowadays enables us to multi task using the features being provided by it..Once upon a time we only use to call or message someone using a mobile but now people started surfing the net and sending out e-mails through their mobile..Cool blog and keep up the good work..

  6. Just give me a mobile that I can operate! But then again, maybe the technological idiots like me should only own a mobile that performs simple operations. However, the mobile phone of today will be THE ultimate device that we will control our lives with in the not too distant future

  7. after read this blog can let me know more clearly about nowadays mobile phone function,because i’m the one idiot for using mobile phone….good blog ^^keep going on…!!

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